Multiple Myeloma


In the course of running a multiple myeloma clinical trial, you are likely to capture over one million points of data. But what happens next? How do you successfully interpret the data collected, avoiding bias while also ensuring that the trial is on track to confirm your results?

Den Clinical Research gives you control over the data generated during your clinical trial:

  • 24/7 real-time data access to monitor your trial at key milestones, prevent delays, and make changes necessary to keep your trial moving forward.
  • Integration of real-world evidence (RWE) — from patient feedback to post-market intelligence.
  • Standardization of data from multiple sources and mediums to enable analysis and interpretation.

All eyes on patient centricity

Den Clinical Research leverages our oncology clinical trial experience and decentralized strategies  to execute patient-centric trials. Our relationships across communities around the world allows us to locate patient subjects that match your trial criteria. We can also assist you with patient centricity by:

  • Realizing patient burdens unique to multiple myeloma and rare oncological disease.
  • Coordinating based on the patient journey and education to improve participation and retention.
  • Launching remote solutions to accommodate patient health and improve quality of life during the study.