Breast Cancer

Managing breast cancer clinical studies can prove challenging to even the most established and experienced pharmaceutical company. Right from the beginning, breast cancer trials may experience recruitment obstacles due to patient perception of the study. Additionally, many patients cite the inconveniences within the study schedule — ranging from travel to time off from work — as barriers that prevent them from enrolling.

Keeping breast cancer trials on track

Den Clinical Research is an unconventional CRO that combines oncology experience, innovative project management, and digital technology into a comprehensive solution designed to optimize your breast cancer trials by:

  • Maximizing your recruitment reach and speed to ensure the right demographics and diversity within your studies.
  • Working with online communities, patient registries, and national support groups to raise awareness for breast cancer and rare oncological disease clinical trials.
  • Collaborating on clinical protocols to ensure that patient subject criteria do not limit your study or negatively impact your results.

We also realize the positive impact that decentralized solutions and patient-centric strategies can have on breast cancer trials. Our digital technology offerings and patient-focused strategies are designed to improve participation, remove the travel burden, and engage patients for the long term.